Verity’s Medicines

Hi everyone! As I’m sitting here in Verity’s hospital room while she is sedated, I decided to report on the types of medicine she is getting right now (50 hours post surgery):

Verity's IV pumps.

Verity’s IV pumps.

Midazolam (50 mcg/kg/hr) – a sedative to keep Verity asleep and forgetful of the current events

Morphine (25 mcg/kg/hr) – a pain killer (yes, narcotics at a young age)

Magnesium Sulfate – an antiarrhythmic medication

Epinephrine (0.03 mcg/kg/hr) – a medication to increase her heart output

Milrinone (0.3 mcg/kg/hr) – a medication used to decrease the resistance of her heart muscles

Furosemide (0.4 mg/hr) – a diuretic and hypertension medication

Dana milk (2 ml/hr) – this is what is referred to as “liquid gold”

Ultimately, the goal is to wean her off all the drugs. This will happen slowly in the coming days depending on how she progresses. Hopefully this will happen by the end of the week!

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